
舞惊人 2022-11-29

萨古鲁 Isha

1. 哈他瑜伽 瑜伽垫和瑜伽服非常高档,尤其是其tpe瑜伽垫,很畅销,是众多品牌中的佼佼者。其瑜伽服采用竹纤维材质,抗菌能力好,去异味能力强,吸附透气性好,使练习瑜伽的人能得心应手,一般教练都穿这个。

To create health for yourself,there are three fundamentals you need to take care of – food,activity,and rest.


Eating Right正确地吃Sadhguru: When it comes to food,one of the most important aspects that you must be conscious of is how quickly a certain type of food digests and becomes a part of yourself. If you eat something and it does not digest within three hours,it means you have eaten food that should either be avoided or reduced in quantity. If the food moves out of your stomach within three hours,it means that even if it is not the best food,it is still something your system is able to handle.Sadhguru(萨古鲁):关于食物,你必须意识到的一个最重要的方面是,每个食物需要多长时间才能消化,并成为你的一部分。如果你吃的东西没有在三小时内消化,那说明你应该避免吃这种食物或者减少食用量。如果食物在三小时内移出了你的胃部,这意味着就算它不是最好的食物,它依然是你的系统能够承受的。

If you go to bed with a full stomach,it puts pressure on other organs in the abdomen. This will also lead to various kinds of health issues.如果你胃部满满就去睡觉,会对腹部里的其它器官造成压力。这也会导致各种各样的健康问题。

2、哈他 哈他瑜伽垫主要产量为进口PVC,具有环保亲肤的特点。采用精湛的加工工艺,不仅防滑性能好,还很耐用。3、菩尔 菩尔瑜伽垫同样是PVC材质,质地柔软,弹性好,防滑性佳。它最大的特点在于两面均可使用。

If you maintain a clear gap of five to six hours between one meal and the other without having anything in between,cleansing will happen on the cellular level. This cleansing on the cellular level is most important for a healthful life. If you are over 30 years of age,two good meals a day will suffice-one in the morning and one in the evening.


好用的。如何选择瑜伽垫 要想成为高手先要有高手的装备,瑜伽垫让我们感觉舒适和放松,最重要的是能够让我们更好的坚持下来,能够达成我们练习的目的!瑜伽,已经成为越来越多人的健身首选项目,对于都市中的女性白领来说。

There must be three hours after the evening meal,before you go to bed. If this includes at least 20 to 30 minutes of light physical activity – such as simple walking – your system will largely be healthy. If you go to bed with food still inside the stomach,it generates a certain level of inertia in the system. Physiologically,this inertia is like an acceleration towards death. Death is ultimate inertia.


Another dimension is that if you go to bed with a full stomach,it puts pressure on other organs in the abdomen. This will also lead to various kinds of health issues. For that reason too,it is very important that before you go to bed,the food you have eaten has moved out of the stomach. As you sleep in different postures,the stomach should not put pressure on other organs at any point.



使用你的身体Use Your BodyWhen it comes to activity,one simple thing that we need to consider is that our body is capable of bending forward,bending backward,and twisting to both sides. This much activity must happen in some kind of form. Classical hatha yoga is the best way to do it,and a scientific one. If classical hatha yoga is not yet part of your life,you must somehow make sure that every day,you bend forward,backward,twist to both sides,and squat so that the spinal column is stretched. This is a must for everybody on a daily basis if you want to keep the entire system healthy – particularly the neurological system,which will otherwise be an issue as one ages.

品牌3:哈他 哈他牌瑜伽垫是由pvc材质制成,环保无害,已经国GS权威认证,另外,防滑性也非常好,还能高效回弹,很耐用。除此之外,瑜伽垫品牌比较著名的还有远阳、皮尔、杰朴森等。


Get enough rest...but not too much充分的休息......但不要过多The volume of rest that an individual person needs is determined by various factors. One important factor is the type and the volume of food that you consume. You must experiment with different types of foods and see which ones make you feel heavy,and which ones leave you light and agile. If you make sure that at least 40% of your diet consists of fresh vegetables and fruits,there will be lightness in the body.一个人需要休息多久是由多种因素决定的。一个重要的因素是你所吃的食物种类和数量。你必须尝试吃不同种类的食物,去感受哪一种让你感觉沉重,什么牌子的瑜伽垫最好,哪一种让你觉得轻盈和敏捷。如果你确保你的饮食至少百分之四十是新鲜蔬菜和水果,你的身体将会变得轻盈。What the body needs is restfulness,tpe和nbr瑜伽垫哪个好,not necessarily sleep. It is a misunderstanding to think that sleep is the only way to rest. Even as you sit or stand,you can either be in a state of restfulness,in a state of agitation,or in a state of inertia. If you are in a lively state of restfulness,every moment of your life,瑜伽垫奥义的好还是keep的好,the volume of sleep you require will decrease.


身体的五个层次The Five Sheaths of the Body In yoga,we look at the human system as five sheaths or layers. Every aspect of the human system,including the mind,is seen as body,keep和奥义瑜伽垫,and yoga is a technology to transform it. These five layers of the body are called Annamaya Kosha,Manomaya Kosha,Pranamaya Kosha,Vignanamaya Kosha,and Anandamaya Kosha.

哈他瑜伽垫 好不好 1、 哈他瑜伽垫 一直是瑜伽垫行业中最出色的品牌,作为国内知名品牌的瑜伽垫,它在品牌文化和产品方面都做的非常出色,受到很多消费者的信赖。2、 哈他瑜伽垫 采用的是亚麻橡胶,天然橡胶做成。

在瑜伽中,我们把人体系统看成五个鞘或者层。人体系统的每一个方面,包括头脑,都被视为一种身体,而瑜伽是一门转化它的技术。身体的五个层被称为Annamaya Kosha、Manomaya Kosha、Pranamaya Kosha、Vignanamaya Kosha和Anandamaya Kosha。

Anna means food. Your physical body or Annamaya Kosha is basically the food that you have eaten – small or big is your choice,but it is a heap of food nonetheless. As there is a physical body that you have gathered from outside,there is a mental body. The mind is not in one particular part of the body – every cell in the body has its own memory and intelligence. This mental body is known as Manomaya Kosha. The physical body is the hardware – the mental body is the software.

Anna的意思是食物。你的物质身或Annamaya Kosha基本上就是你所吃的食物的累积——或大或小,这是你的选择,但它仍然是一堆食物。正如你有一个从外部积累而来的物质身,也有一个精神身。头脑不是身体某个特定的部分——身体里的每一个细胞都有它的记忆和智慧。这个精神身叫做Manomaya Kosha。物质身是硬件——精神身是软件。


If you bring the physical body,the mental body,and the energy body into proper alignment and balance,you will not have any physical or psychological ailments.如果你的物质身、精神身、能量身得到恰当的校准和平衡,你将不会有任何身体和心理疾病。

Hardware and software cannot do much unless you plug them into quality power. The third layer of the body is called Pranamaya Kosha or energy body. Physical body,mental body,and energy body are all in the realm of physicality,but on different levels of subtlety. To use an analogy – you can clearly see that a light bulb is physical. But the light it diffuses is also physical. And the electricity behind it is physical as well. Light bulb,light,and electricity: all are physical but differ in subtlety. Similarly,the physical body,the mental body,and the energy body are all physical but differ in subtlety.

硬件和软件只有被充了电才能使用。身体的第三层称为Pranamaya Kosha或能量身。物质身、精神身、能量身都是属于物质层面的范畴,但处于不同的精微层次。打个比方——你可以明显看到一个灯泡是物质层面的。但它所散发出的光也是物理的,其背后的电也是物理的。灯泡、光和电:都是物质层面的但精微层次不同。同样地,物质身、精神身和能量身都是物质的但属于精微层次不同。

瑜伽垫品牌排名:(1)哈他瑜伽 均是高档产品,个人感觉价格也高的离谱。不过哈他的瑜伽垫防滑效果很不错的,所以还是比较推荐!(2)青鸟瑜伽 主营瑜伽垫,质量保证,价格适中,推荐购买。(3)杰朴森瑜伽 质量一般。

2、杰朴森瑜伽垫 产品6厘米的厚度、183厘米的长度以及62厘米的宽度很适合运动幅度较大的人,材质也是TPE,防滑设计为骨菱纹,各个方位均匀受力,纹丝不动;双层设计,高压贴合,无胶水,透气性好。

The next layer of the body is a transitory body that is known as Vignanamaya Kosha. It facilitates the transition from the physical to the non-physical. It does not ascribe to any of the physical qualities,but at the same time,it is not yet completely nonphysical either. The fifth layer is called Anandamaya Kosha,which in English translates as “bliss body”. This does not mean there is a bubble of bliss in you. We call it bliss body because in our experience,whenever we touch it,we become blissful. Bliss is not its nature,bliss is what it causes for us. Anandamaya Kosha is a nonphysical dimension which is the source of everything that is physical.

身体是下一层是一个过渡身,被称为Vignanamaya Kosha。它促进了从物质到非物质之间的过渡。它不具有任何物质的特质,但同时也不完全是非物质的。身体的第五层被称为Anandamaya Kosha,英文中被翻译为“喜悦身”。这并不是说你的内在有幸福的泡沫。我们称它为喜悦身是因为在我们的体验中,无论何时我们触及到它,我们都会变得喜悦。喜悦不是其本质,而是它给我们带来的。Anandamaya Kosha是一个非物质层面的维度,它是一切物质的源头。

If you bring the physical body,the mental body,and the energy body into proper alignment and balance,you will not have any physical or psychological ailments. I could show you hundreds and thousands of people who have come out of their health issues – particularly chronic ailments and psychological problems – simply by creating the necessary alignment within themselves. It is misalignment that causes all kinds of problems. When the body is at ease,瑜伽垫keep,there is no disease.


Only if you bring the first three layers of the body into alignment,there will be a passage and a possibility of touching Anandamaya Kosha,where blissfulness becomes a natural state of being. Not blissful about something in particular – simply blissful because that is the nature of life.

只有你的物质身、精神身和能量身得到校准,才有通道和可能性去触及Anandamaya Kosha,这时喜悦将成为一种自然的存在状态。不是因一件特定的事而喜悦——而只是喜悦的,因为那是生命的本质。

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