
舞惊人 2022-11-13

国际知名瑜伽品牌Vikasa Yoga最新的完成总部设计。Enter Projects Asia负责设计和建造。这是该品牌在曼谷的标志性建筑,开瑜伽馆一年利润,Vikasa象征着关于健康、养生和进化的理念。

退出机制 很多人签的合同是没有退出的那些条款的,谁都不敢保证自己真的会把这件事情做完。假如,合伙人之间在一些细节或分配上出了分歧,导致感情破裂,有一方觉得没法再进行合作,要求退出,肯定就会面临经济纠纷,即使。

Enter Projects Asia Design Nature-Inspired Headquarters for Vikasa Bangkok - A wellness brief for the internationally acclaimed yoga brand,completed January 2020. Enter Projects Asia have completed their design & construction for the headquarters of Vikasa. This is the yoga brand’s anchor building in Bangkok,symbolising the Vikasa ideals around health,wellness and evolution.


The 450sqm space is comprised of a series of free-form yoga pods - two public and two private pods with a lobby area and luxury bathrooms integrated seamlessly into the layout. Floor-to-ceiling windows were designed across the entire front façade to flood the space with natural light,whilst allowing the pods to remain private.




风险也降到最低.六、服务 瑜伽馆做得就是服务,服务不好,会员办了卡也不来,更别说续卡了,你就等着关门吧.七、竞争 也许你开馆的时间在别的馆后面,你后面也会陆续将开大小不一风格不一装修档次不一的馆。

利用他们的标志性几何图形,Enter Projects Asia使用3D技术与当地泰国工艺的融合,将自然带入城市环境。项目的所有元素都取至当地的天然材料制成:泰国硬木、藤条、棕榈叶和当地的黑色石板。


1. Y+.这家yplus瑜伽,主要做的是高档的瑜伽会员课程,教培也有,但是不多,会员课和教培的价格都是几万起步.2. 悠季,是印度老师默涵开的,开了蛮久的,环境很好,学教培的话时间很久,价格也贵,整一套学完。

Using their signature geometries,一个瑜伽店可容纳多少人,Enter Projects Asia facilitated the fusion of 3D technologies with local Thai craftsmanship to bring nature to an urban context. All elements of the project were made from natural,local materials: Thai hardwood,rattan,palm leaves and local black slate.


Enter Projects的设计总监Patrick Keane说:“我们试图创造一个模仿自然世界的空间,反映生命的无限循环。”结果创作了一个迷人的平静空间,也是曼谷混乱中的一片宁静绿洲。”

Patrick Keane,Design Director at Enter Projects said,“We sought to create a space which mimicked the natural world and reflected the never-ending cycle of life. The result is a space of captivating calmness,cloaked in quiet contentment - an oasis of tranquility amongst the chaos of Bangkok.”



Enter Projects是一家由技术辅助的前沿设计公司。它利用3D技术,结合物理模型,从而革新现代生活。Enter Projects的设计主旨就是在不断的探索中创新建筑风格,融合当地环境。每个项目都有一个详细的研发阶段,并将其融入到设计过程中,从而发展出对空间和形式的理解,从而在不同规模上产生具有高度设计完整性的项目,我附近的瑜伽馆。


Enter Projects is a design firm that sits at the forefront of technologically aided design. It utilizes radical 3D design programs,in conjunction with sketches and physical models,to revolutionize modern living. Enter’s philosophy is to be in a constant state of exploration. This is so that it can continually search and play with architectural styles that,although always engage with their social and local surroundings,are dynamic and expressive. With a detailed R&D stage for each project feeding into the design process,it evolves the understanding of the space and form,瑜伽馆的经营策略,to produce results with high design integrity on a diverse scale.

玛尼瑜伽全国门店地址 上海:青浦区吾悦校区:吾悦广场金街 2 楼 61 号 208 闵行区校区:闵行区申北路 258 号 1 幢 3 层 无锡:新吴区长江路校区:长江北路 166-301(虹桥医院边。

Enter Projects总部位于悉尼东部的Edgecliff,距离市中心仅3公里。Edgecliff是“引擎室”,在这里可以实现专门的技能集,将设计概念带入生活。澳大利亚西部的珀斯也有办事处,最近在泰国普吉岛也开设了办事处,以更好地服务于不断增长的东南亚市场,朱瑾瑜舍瑜伽现状。

Enter Projects is based in Edgecliff in Sydney&39;engine room' where specialized skills sets are implemented to bring the design concepts to life. We also have offices in Perth,Western Australia and most recently opened in Phuket,Thailand in order to better service the growing South East Asian market.

Enter Projects 经 典 案 例

Time Realty 总部

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