
舞惊人 2022-11-13






国 籍: 印度


出生地: 印度迈索尔市


Sadhguru 的激情可以蔓延到他所遇到的任何人。从一开始他就是一个无所畏惧的叛逆者,他的童年时代独自进入丛林且在丛林中连续呆几天,捉蛇和缺课。在青年时期,他对生活的直率清晰使他成为他问题缠身的大学同学的非官方顾问。他对冒险的热爱让他踏上了摩托车探险之旅,而他早期在家禽养殖和建筑领域的业务也取得了成功。就在你将他归结为一个酷酷的特立独行的人的时候,他温柔的一面让你感到惊喜,他流下同情的泪水,并从硬化的脸上释放出笑意。像农村孩子瞪大眼睛,灰蒙蒙的瑜伽士或顶尖的管理人员,Sadhguru无视任何狭隘的评论。凭借敏锐的头脑,通过无边界的心灵平衡,印度密宗女子瑜伽,他将对生命的热情感染到所有追求完美生活的人身上。

对于我们在科学技术上所取得的进步,一个世纪以前的生活水平是不可想象的,大多数人仍然在生活中寻求整体性和目的性。Sadhguru经常说“社会对精神过程是成熟的”。他的基本愿景是为每个人提供内心幸福的科学 - 一种有助于实现内在最终潜能的科学。从这个愿景中汲取大量的项目,计划和方法,都是为了达到同样的目标:在每个人的潜能巅峰期,将自己和整个世界和谐地融合在一起,共同繁荣,包容各方。

也许Sadhguru的使命在他自己的似非而是的的话中得到了简洁的总结:“我没有自己的使命。 只是当你看到你身边有某种需要时,你会做你所能做的 - 就这些而己。 但我有一个梦想,印度瑜伽水乳,那就是有一天,在世界任何一个地方的街道上行走,我都能够见到很多开悟的或者有见识的众生,大户型瑜伽近距离视频。 那将是发生在世界上最大的祝福。“

1. 学校简介

Isha place瑜伽中心座落在Isha Yoga Jayanagar,33,10th Main Rd,Jayanagar East,Jaya Nagar 1st Block,Bairasandra Extension,Jayanagar,Bengaluru,Karnataka 560011,它属于总部位置哥印拜陀的 Isha Yoga Center,班加罗尔属于分校区,令人尴尬的瑜伽姿势大户型。

校区是一个独立的小庭院,拥有两层,第一层售卖各种 Isha Yoga Center提供的纪念品、瑜伽用品或其它,第二层为训练教室和办公室。

在这里工作的人员全部为志愿者,所有的人员都非常亲切友好的为所有到访者服务,他们都是曾经学习过 Isha Yoga Center课程的同学,且自愿奉献自己的时间给他人的人。

印度帕坦伽利瑜伽学院有限公司India Patanjali Yoga College Limited .瑜伽之祖帕坦伽利(Patanjali),一般认为他诞生于公元前约莫200至500年间的印度拉尔(Ra'r'h)地区。传说中。


Isha Hatha Yoga

“Hatha yoga is the science of using the body to prepare oneself for the ultimate possibility.”


Isha Hatha Yoga programs are an unparalleled opportunity to learn practices derived from a yogic tradition maintained in its full purity and vibrancy for thousands of years. The classes will be conducted by highly trained teachers and will offer classical Hatha Yoga in its full depth and dimension.

They are not taught merely for physical fitness and strength. They are a holistic process of naturally achieving a certain mastery over the body and mind,so as to come to a state of health,joy,and bliss. They are ideal for the hectic pace of today’s world.

Hatha Yoga is currently taught in 5 different classes: Upa Yoga,Angamardana,Surya Kriya,Yogasanas and Bhuta Shuddhi. These practices have been selected and designed by Sadhguru to develop mental clarity and focus,boost vigor and vitality,balance hormonal levels and take years off the body,bringing a sense of lightness and freedom.



A simple yet powerful set of 10 practices that activate the joints,muscles and energy system,bringing ease to the whole system. It is a good starting point for those who are new to yoga,and it can be used as a preparation for other yoga practices. Based on a sophisticated understanding of the body’s mechanics,its benefits include:

    Relieving physical stress and tiredness

    Exercising the joints and muscles

    Rejuvenating the body after period of inactivity

    Negating the effect of jet lag and long travel


    Surya Kriya is a potent 21-step yogic practice of tremendous antiquity,designed as a holistic process for health,比基尼瑜伽,wellness and complete inner wellbeing. Surya Kriya is a complete spiritual process by itself. It enriches one’s life in many ways:

      Develops mental clarity and focus

      Remedies weak constitutions

      Boosts vigor and vitality

      印度帕坦伽利瑜伽学院被誉为全球瑜伽界的第一学府,是当今世界上历史传承最悠久、最权威的瑜伽学院和瑜伽教练资质等级评定认证机构。 印度帕坦伽利瑜伽学院位于印度北部的恒河边上的圣城哈立德瓦尔。

      Prepares one for deeper states of meditation


      A series of 31 dynamic processes,rooted in yoga,to invigorate the body and reach peak physical fitness. “Angamardana” means gaining complete mastery over the limbs,organs,and other parts of the body. It needs no fitness equipment.

      Angamardana revitalizes the body in many ways:

        Strengthens the spine,skeletal and muscular systems

        Builds physical strength and fitness

        Invigorates the body,bringing a sense of lightness and freedom

        Prepares the body for Hatha Yoga



        Hatha Yoga is offered as a set of 36 powerful postures,or yogasanas,to enable the system to sustain higher dimensions of energy. This profound science enhances how one thinks,feels,and experiences life. Isha’s program requires no special physical agility or previous experience of yoga. It is not merely physical exercise,but enables a person to flower into his ultimate potential; to naturally achieve a state of health,joy,and bliss.


        Bhuta Shuddhi means “purification of the elements,” and is a process of cleansing the 5 elements within the human system (i.e. earth,water,fire,air and space).

        Isha provides a unique opportunity for everyone to benefit from this science,which otherwise requires intense spiritual practice. It:

          Keeps the system in harmony and balance

          Prepares the system to handle powerful states of energy

          印度普钠的艾扬格总院 印度迈索尔的ashtanga总院 班加罗尔的辨喜瑜伽大学

          Creates the basis to gain mastery over the human system


          “The simplest form of yoga is Namaskar. Put your hands together and unite the polarities within and without.”– Sadhguru

          In a busy and divisive world,Sadhguru offers a simple but powerful way to experience peace,love and an overall connectedness with everything else. The process takes just 3-5 minutes and can be done anywhere,卧室宽松睡衣瑜伽,anytime.

          Bhava Spandana

          An Exuberant Explosion of Blissfulness

          “Bhava Spandana is like making you jump and look beyond the wall. Once you experientially see beyond your limitations,you know that you must cross the wall one day to experience what is on the other side.”



          Bhava Spandana Program is an advanced meditation program designed by Sadhguru to provide the opportunity to go beyond the limitations of body and mind and experience higher levels of consciousness.

          The word Bhava literally means “sensation.” Spandana can be loosely translated as “resonance.” Through powerful processes and meditations,the Bhava Spandana Program creates an intensely energetic situation,where individuality and the limitations of the five sense organs can be transcended,creating an experience of oneness and resonance with the rest of existence. It offers an exuberant experience of unbounded love and joy.

          Bhava Spandana Program is conducted as a 4 day residential program at the Isha Yoga Center,India,at the Isha Institute of Inner-sciences,USA,and more occasionally at various other centers across the world.


          This program is purely experiential – no new practices are taught.

          Isha Yoga/Inner Engineering (including the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya) is a prerequisite for attending this program.

          Shoonya Intensive

          Be Immersed in Stillness

          “Once stillness comes into your life,then the mind also becomes absolutely still. When your mind becomes still,your intelligence explodes into new possibilities.”



          For those who wish to explore deeper inner dimensions,Shoonya Intensive is an advanced meditation program designed by Sadhguru combining the dynamic Shakti Chalana Kriya and Shoonya Meditation. Shakti Chalana Kriya is a set of powerful,purifying practices that enhance the flow of one’s vital energy. Shoonya Meditation is an effortless process of conscious non-doing. Together,these practices stimulate the release of physical,mental and emotional blocks and lead to a deep sense of inner wellbeing

          Shoonya Intensive is conducted as a 4-day residential program at the Isha Yoga Center,India,at the Isha Institute of Inner Sciences,USA,and more occasionally at various other centers across the world.


          Completion of the Inner Engineering Program (including the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya) is a prerequisite for attending this program.


          A Gateway to the Beyond

          “Samyama is a state where you become fully aware that you are not the body,you are not the mind,you are not the world around.”


          Samyama is an intensive residential program conducted by Sadhguru. Participants spend 8 days in complete silence with long hours of meditation. It provides the possibility for individuals to free themselves from the bonds of karma and purify the system,opening them up to subtler realms of experience. The program presents the potential for participants to reach heightened levels of consciousness and experience explosive states of meditativeness in the presence of Sadhguru

          Samyama is conducted as an 8-day residential program at the Isha Yoga Center,India and more occasionally at the Isha Institute of Inner-sciences,USA.


          Completion of the following programs is a prerequisite for attending Samyama: Inner Engineering,Bhava Spandana Program,Shoonya Intensive and Yogasanas. The Pre-Samyama Meet,an orientation for all those who are interested in attending Samyama,is held a little more than two months before the program

          Teachers Training

          “As an Isha Yoga teacher,you will have the privilege to experience delivering a dimension far bigger and beyond you.”


          The Teachers Training is an ongoing program at the Isha Yoga Center,India. Apart from training to offer Inner Engineering programs,different types of training are available where individuals commit to specific periods of training depending on their personal situation. Whether you are a student ready for a full time commitment or someone who would like to give a few hours of your time per week,there are many opportunities available.

          The Teachers Training Program is an opportunity to offer the possibility of Inner Engineering to the world. Designed and established by Sadhguru,this intensive program creates the necessary atmosphere for an individual to explore the deeper dimensions of Isha Yoga. In doing so,they become a vehicle for others to receive the tools necessary to explore their own inner transformation.

          The natural urge to share the experiences that have touched their lives has prompted many individuals to dedicate themselves to this path. Today,teachers from around the world,of all ages and background,are working with selfless commitment to offer this possibility to others.

          Participation in Isha Yoga/Inner Engineering and Bhava Spandana are pre-requisite to undergo Teacher Training course.


          The Teachers Training Program is an opportunity to offer the possibility of Inner Engineering to the world. Designed and established by Sadhguru,this intensive program creates the necessary atmosphere for an individual to explore the deeper dimensions of Isha Yoga. In doing so,they become a vehicle for others to receive the tools necessary to explore their own inner transformation.


          Isha Hatha Yoga School delivers classical Hatha Yoga in its full depth and dimension. It is Sadhguru’s vision to offer this ancient science in all its purity and make it available to every individual. As a step towards realizing this vision,he has devised the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program. In this program,Hatha Yoga is taught as a living experience in the most beautiful ashram setting of the Isha Yoga Center,India under the grace of a living master. Upon completion of the program,trainees will have the privilege and fulfillment of bringing this knowledge to many more people.


          The Teachers Training is an ongoing program at the Isha Yoga Center,India. Apart from training to offer Inner Engineering programs,different types of training are available where individuals commit to specific periods of training depending on their personal situation. Whether you are a student ready for a full time commitment or someone who would like to give a few hours of your time per week,there are many opportunities available. One can become an Ishanga,or “limb of Isha” to:

            Teach Introductory & Advanced Isha Yoga programs for children and adults

            Give public introductory talks on Isha Yoga

            Conduct monthly sathsangs

            Promote Isha Yoga Programs

            1、梵羽国际瑜伽 梵羽国际徐加培训是深圳首家喻伽练习培训和养生为体的概念连锁会所,旗下拥有二十多家连锁分店及所培训学院,分布于珠三角各区域,是国内首创练瑜伽,学舞蹈,0收费之会员盈利式经营模式。


            Get involved in program and event volunteering & organizing

            Help in teacher coordination and administration







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